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The Analysis of Informatics Gifted Elementary Students' Computational Problem Solving Approaches in Puzzle-Based Learning  

Lee, Eunkyoung (Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation)
Choi, JeongWon (Dept. of Computer Education, Korea National University of Education)
Lee, Youngjun (Dept. of Computer Education, Korea National University of Education)
The purpose of this study is to propose strategies of puzzle-based learning for Informatics gifted education through analyzing Informatics gifted elementary students' computational problem solving approaches in puzzle-based learning contexts. Six types of educational puzzles, which are constraints, optimization, probability, statistically speaking, pattern recognition, and strategy, were used in teaching 14 Informatics gifted students for 8 sessions. The results of pre and post test and each students' answers were analyzed to identify why students were not able to solve the puzzles. We also analysed what essential computational strategies are needed to solve each type of puzzles, and what students did not know in solving puzzle problems. We identified some problems caused by puzzle representation methods, and various students' intuitions that disturb puzzle solving. Also, we identified essential computational strategies to solve puzzles: backtracking, dynamic programming, abstraction, modeling, and reduction of big problem. However, students had difficulties in applying these strategies to solve their puzzle problems. We proposed the revised puzzle-based learning strategies, which is based on the improved problem representation, just-in-time cognitive feedbacks, and web-based learning system.
Puzzle-Based Learning; Computational Thinking; Informatics Gifted Education;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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