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A Study on the Influence of Perceived Organizational Support on Organization Commitment  

Lee, HongKi (Dept. of Busines Management, Jungwon University College of Social Science)
Jang, Myung Bok (Dept. of Accounting & Tax, Kookje College)
In general, there are three factors which compel employees to leave their position at a company: duties in organization, perception related to organization, and attitude built through the previous factors. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of the factors on the turnover intention and the decreasing achievement affected by the turnover. For this study, the perceived organizational support and organization commitment were chosen as worker's attitude variables which affects turnover intention. The results through the actual analysis are as follows: 1. Worker's emotional commitment is on the increase when the organization values their increased efforts as precious and makes efforts to improve welfare system. 2. Worker's turnover intention decreases as the stronger emotional commitment enables them to gain more consciousness to stay longer at the company. 3. The worker who possesses stronger lasting commitment tends to have some inclination to leave his current position if other organization offers compensation enough to make up for the current investment. 4. Worker's turnover intention decreases when they perceive that the organization acknowledges employees' value and supports them. 5. Worker's turnover intention at the small-middle sized companies is higher than at major companies. In this study, four out of five hypotheses, which are based on theoretical examinations and backgrounds, gain verified results. In the end, it is showed that the perceived organization support can increase the emotional commitment which makes it possible to decrease turnover intention. Consequently, it can be said that the appropriate human resources management is to explore the ways to decrease worker's turnover intention by improving labor environment and searching for the way to promote worker's commitment to their organization through the perceived organization supports.
Perceived Organizational Support; Commitment; Turnover Intention;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
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