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A dominant hyperrectangle generation technique of classification using IG partitioning  

Lee, Hyeong-Il (Dept. of Internet Information, Kimpo College)
NGE(Nested Generalized Exemplar Method) can increase the performance of the noisy data at the same time, can reduce the size of the model. It is the optimal distance-based classification method using a matching rule. NGE cross or overlap hyperrectangles generated in the learning has been noted to inhibit the factors. In this paper, We propose the DHGen(Dominant Hyperrectangle Generation) algorithm which avoids the overlapping and the crossing between hyperrectangles, uses interval weights for mixed hyperrectangles to be splited based on the mutual information. The DHGen improves the classification performance and reduces the number of hyperrectangles by processing the training set in an incremental manner. The proposed DHGen has been successfully shown to exhibit comparable classification performance to k-NN and better result than EACH system which implements the NGE theory using benchmark data sets from UCI Machine Learning Repository.
Case-Based Learning; Nested Generalized Exemplar Method; Memory-Based Learning; Information Gain;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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