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Uncertainty Management Technology in Mobile Context-Awareness Computing  

Kim, Hoon-Kyu (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Hongik University, ADD)
Won, Yoo-Hun (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Hongik University, ADD)
Uncertainty in Context-aware computing is mainly a consequence of the complexity of context acquisition mechanisms and context processing. The presence of uncertainty may harm the users' confidence in the application, rendering it useless. This paper describes a three-phase strategy to manage uncertainty by identifying its possible sources, representing uncertain information, and determining how to proceed, once uncertain context is detected. The level of effort that is necessary to eliminate the uncertainty of context information affects the reliability of the system, because Sensor network system have no intervention of humans. In this paper, We applied proposed method to the development for the sensor network system, Uncertainty management can be applied a part of the system development life-cycle. It confirmed that result of testing show that detection performance is stable.
Context-Awareness; Context Uncertainty; Mobile Context-Aware Computin; Sensor Network;
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