1 |
Jinwon Seo, "The Design of Anti-DDos System using Defense on Depth," Journal of Korea Institute of Information Security and Cryptology Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 679-689, July, 2012.
2 |
Changbaek Jang, "Using CDN Technique Smart DNS of DDoS Attack Protection," Master's Thesis, Soongsil University, 2010.
3 |
Jungmin Choi, "Design of dynamic load balancing algorithm for anti-DDoS system," Master's Thesis, Konkuk University, 2011.
4 |
SungSoo Park, "A Study on CAPTCHA-Based Mitigation of DDoS Attacks," Master's Thesis, Dongguk University, 2010.
5 |
Jelena Mirkovic, Peter Reiher, "A Taxonomy of DDoS Attack and DdoS Defense Mechanisms," ACM SIGCOMM computer Communitions Review, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 39-54. April. 2004
6 |
Daeseop Lee, "Analysis of Defense Method for HTTP POST DDoS Attack base on Content-Length Control," Journal of Korea Institute of Information Security and Cryptology, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 809-817, August. 2012.
7 |
Slow Read DDoS, https://community.qualys.com /blogs/securitylabs/2012/01/05/slow-read
8 |
Jahyun Koo, "Type and Response for Denial of Service," Institute for Information Technology Advancement, Weekly Technical Trends, Vol. 1377, Dec. 2008.
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Kelly jackson Higgins, "Researchers To Demonstrate New Attack That Exploits HTTP", 2010 OWASP AppSec Conference, Nov. 2010
10 |
Slowloris HTTP DoS, http://ha.ckers.org/slowloris/
11 |
secunuews, http://www.ahnlab.com/kr/site /securityinfo/secunews/secuNewsView.do?menu_ dist=2&seq= 16316
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Ahnlab ASEC Report, http://download.ahnlab .com/ asecReport/ASEC_Report_200907.pdf,
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3.4 DDoS Analysis Report, http://www. ahnlab .com
14 |
Laura Feinstein, Dan Schnackenberg, "Statistial Approaches to DDoS Attack Detection and Response" DARPA Information Survivability conference and Exposition, pp. 303-314, April.2003
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RFC 2109 - HTTP State Management Mechanism
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Namgyun Baek, " A Study on Efficient DDoS Attack Defense Scheme Using Performance Measurement Metrics based on Web Protocol's Features," PhD thesis, Soongsil University, 2011.
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Dongmaeng Kim, "A Study of Information System Optimization for DDoS Attaks resopnse" Master's Thesis, Konkuk University, 2012.
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Jonggap Jeung, "A client-based DDoS attack defense mechanism through user authentication" Master's Thesis, Korea University, 2012.
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RFC 2616 - Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP/1.1