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The Ear Acupressure Therapy on Premenstrual Syndrome and Dysmenorrhea on Female college Students  

Choung, Hye-Myoung (Kimpo college Department of Health Administration)
Song, Ju-Seung (Kimpo College Department of Early Childhood Education)
The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of ear acupressure therapy on premenstrual syndrome of the female college students. This research design of our study was a quasi-experimental design. Out of the 27 female college students, 13 were assigned to the experimental group and 14 to the control group. The data was obtained over 3 months from K college located in G city. The use of instrument to assess the premenstrual syndrome is Keele's VAS(Visual Analogue Scale) with the opening records. The subject of the experimental group received the ear acupressure therapy for 3 times for 60 days and the other control group did not get the ear acupressure therapy treatment. We analysed the data and extracted the values of percentage, mean, standard deviation, $x^2$-test, t-test, and Cronbach's ${\alpha}$ using SPSS program. The VAS score of the premenstrual syndromes before the ear acupressure therapy was 7.3(experimental group), 7.46(control group) but after the ear acupressure therapy, the VAS score of the premenstrual syndromes was 3.36(experimental group), 7.17(control group). The result of this study reveals that the ear acupressure therapy was effective in improving the symptoms of the female college students who had the premenstrual syndromes.
Ear acupressure therapy; Premenstrual Syndrome; Female College Studentsv; VAS score;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
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