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Weaknesses Cryptanalysis of Khan's Scheme and Improved Authentication Scheme preserving User Anonymity  

Park, Mi-Og (Division. of Computer Science Engineering, Sungkyul University)
In this paper, we analyse the weaknesses of authentication scheme preserving user anonymity proposed by Khan et al in 2011 and we propose a new authentication schemes preserving user anonymity that improved these weaknesses. Khan et al's authentication scheme is vulnerable to insider attack and doesn't provide user anonymity to the server. Also, this scheme is still a weakness of wrong password input by mistake in spite of proposing the password change phase. In this paper, we will show that Khan et al's scheme is vulnerable to the stolen smart card attack and the strong server/user masquerade attack. The proposed authentication scheme propose the improved user anonymity, which can provide more secure privacy to user by improving these weaknesses.
User Anonymity; Smart Card; Insider Attack; Strong Masquerade attack; User Privacy;
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  • Reference
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