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SW Process improvement and Organization Change Management  

Kim, Seung-Gweon (Software Engineering Center of National Information Promotion Agency)
Jo, Sung-Hyun (Software Engineering Center of National Information Promotion Agency)
Yoon, Joong-Soo (School of Business Administration, Kangnam University)
We explored the relationship between the level of change awareness and deployment of software process improvement (SPI) approaches using a competing values framework. To measure awareness level of organization's change, we used DICE framework provides means for predicting the outcome of change management initiatives. The four factors for organizaton's change: duration, integrity, commitment, and effort are evaluated and a score is calculated. The DICE(R) score is used to classify projects into win, worry, or woe zones. In this paper, we apply the DICE(R) score as an independent variable to predict the outcome of a software process improvement. Our results indicated that the Organization have a higher chance of success have the better outcome in software process improvement.
Software Process Improvement; DICE(R) framework; Software Engineering Level; Bootstrap; Oneway ANOVA;
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