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A Study on user experience design for efficient control of Smart TV  

Lee, Hye-Ran (Dept. of Image Engineering, Chung-Ang University)
Lee, Won-Hyung (Dept. of Image Engineering, Chung-Ang University)
In this paper research covers a study on the need for smart TV according to smart TV 'smart' of issues, consider the changing elements of paradigm, according to the evolution of TV, from the point of view of the user experience analyze the Applications of Smart TV UX. Through analysis of user behavior from the current viewpoint of the TV and Future TV, reflected in the design of Smart TV UX. Ultimately for efficiently operating the contents, screen proposed a prototype for personalized intelligent user based on UX design. Ultimately, to satisfy the playfulness for the course of using the TV as the primary goal and content through the TV content easily to the desired goal to be reached quickly and easily at the point of how to approach the user's destination, shorten the access path is proposed in this study.
Smart TV; UX; UI; customized;
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  • Reference
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