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A Study on the Technology Level Survey and Analysis of Problems for improving the Defense IT Survey  

Kwon, Kyeong-Yong (Defense Agency for Technology & Quality)
Seo, Min-Woo (Defense Agency for Technology & Quality)
In this paper, we propose a study on the technology level survey and analysis of problems for improving the defense IT survey. Existing in 2008 and 2009, were surveyed and the documents were distributed. It's managed on system. It was surveyed 86 technology but, the selection method and content was simple. we surveyed and interviewed to work-related parties for improving and analyzed management system and documents. So we derived improvements. we selected defense IT from various aspects. and commissioned survey for document review and technology level to about 130 experts. The technology level is composed of the best technology weapon states, technology gap, spread effect, technology achievement time and research & development method.. We finally selected 40 technology, and suggested results of the technology level survey.
Information Technology; Technology Level Survey; Defense IT; Defense IT Survey;
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  • Reference
1 kykwon and mwseo, "A Study on the Defense Information Technology Survey, Analysis and Evaluation", Defense Agency for Technology and Quality, 2011.
2 Ministry of National Defense, "Defense Informatization Anweisung", 2011.
3 kykwon and mwseo, "2012 Defense Information Technology Surveys", Defense Agency for Technology and Quality, 2012.
4 Ministry of National Defense, "Defense Informatization Master Plan", 2011.
5 Korea Institute for Defense Analysis, "Defense Information Technology Surveys", 2009.
6 kykwon.mwseo, "Future Defense Information Technology 30's", Defense Agency for Technology and Quality, 2010.
7 kykwon.mwseo, "A Study on the Defense Information Technology Planning Management System", Defense Agency for Technology and Quality, 2010.
8 kykwon.mwseo, "A Study on the Improving of DITA(Defense Information Technical stAandard)", Defense Agency for Technology and Quality, 2010.