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On Intensive E-learning TOEIC Course  

Sung, Taesoo (Dept. of English, Namseoul University)
The purpose of this paper is to compare and analyze TOEIC scores of two kinds of courses opened at a university and the distribution of TOEIC scores of two groups. In addition, this paper will examine the ability of participants and the used instructional materials and equipment. The university has two kinds of TOEIC courses; one is a four-week intensive course opened in summer and winter vacations, where students participate in the classes from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The other is a regular TOEIC course, offering one-hour class every day from Monday to Friday during the university semester (15 weeks). This paper points out how important, the EFL/ESL teacher education, teaching materials, teaching methods and e-learning in operating more effective classes. The intensive TOEIC course and the regular TOEIC course include 120 hours and 75 hours a semester, respectively. Unfortunately, both courses have such a limited amount of time that students cannot achieve their fluent and perfect command of English. For Korean student to master English in a limited amount of both time and resources, the development of effective and qualitative EFL/ESL Intensive courses is essential.
Intensive courses; Regular courses; e-learning;
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