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Development of forest carbon optimization program using simulated annealing heuristic algorithm  

Jeon, Eo-Jin (Center for Forest & Climate Change, Korea Forest Research Institute)
Kim, Young-Hwan (Center for Forest & Climate Change, Korea Forest Research Institute)
Park, Ji-Hoon (eLC(e-Library Center))
Kim, Man-Pil (eLC(e-Library Center))
In this study, we developed a program of optimizing stand-level carbon stock using a stand-level yield model and the Simulated Annealing (SA) heuristic method to derive a optimized forest treatment solution. The SA is one of the heuristic algorithms that can provide a desirable management solution when dealing with various management purposes. The SA heuristic algorithm applied 'thermal equilibrium test', a thresholds approach to solve the phenomenon that does not find an optimum solution and stays at a local optimum value during the process. We conducted a sensitivity test for the temperature reduction rate, the major parameter of the thermal equilibrium test, to analyze its influence on the objective function value and the total iteration of the optimization process. Using the developed program, three scenarios were compared: a common treatment in forestry (baseline), the optimized solution of maximizing the amount of harvest(alternative 1), and the optimized solution of maximizing the amount of carbon stocks(alternative 2). As the results, we found that the alternative 1 showed provide acceptable solutions for the objectives. From the sensitivity test, we found that the objective function value and the total iteration of the process can be significantly influenced by the temperature reduction rate. The developed program will be practically used for optimizing stand-level carbon stock and developing optimized treatment solutions.
Simulated Annealing; heuristic; optimization program; carbon management;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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