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A Heuristic Method for Extracting True Opinion Targets  

Soh, Yun-Kyu (Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Hanyang University)
Kim, Han-Woo (Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Hanyang University)
Jung, Sung-Hun (Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Hanyang University)
Kim, Dong-Ju (College of Liberal Arts, Anyang University)
The opinion of user on a certain product is expressed in positive/negative sentiments for specific features of it. In some cases, they are expressed for a holistic part of homogeneous specific features, or expressed for product itself. Therefore, in the area of opinion mining, name of opinion features to be extracted are specific feature names, holonyms for theses specific features, and product names. However, when the opinion target is described with product name or holonym, sometimes it may not match feature name of opinion sentence to true opinion target intended by the reviewer. In this paper, we present a method to extract opinion targets from opinion sentences. Most importantly, we propose a method to extract true target from the feature names mismatched to a intended target. First, we extract candidate opinion pairs using dependency relation between words, and then select feature names frequently mismatched to opinion target. Each selected opinion feature name is replaced to a specific feature intended by the reviewer. Finally, in order to extract relevant opinion features from the whole candidate opinion pairs including modified opinion feature names, candidate opinion pairs are rearranged by the order of user's interest.
opinion mining; opinion feature extraction; sentiment analysis; product feature;
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  • Reference
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