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A Study on Application of STEAM education with Robot in Elementary School  

Park, Jung-Ho (Doi Elementary School)
According to the result of PISA and TIMSS, it was reported that interest for Math and Science was far lower compared to high achievement of Them. The purpose of this study is to investigate effects of robot based STEAM education on elementary school students' Math learning behavior and Science motivation. Robot based STEAM education integrated science, mathematics and art with a theme of 'Energy' was practiced for test group and For control group, those three subjects were taught separately in order to achieve this purpose. Curriculum of fourth grade second semester's science, mathematics and art was analysed to teach a robot based STEAM class and STEAM class Model with the theme 'Energy was designed and applied to elementary students. In science class, heat transfer experiment was conducted with robots and the result was related to drawing polygonal lines in mathematics. In art class, robot components were used to describe the heat energy in shapes and colors. The research shows that students' Math learning behavior and Science motivation were improved more with robot based STEAM education than with traditional lessons(p<.05). It proves that robot based STEAM class can be effective for improving interest in elementary Math and Science.
Robot Based Education; STEAM; Learning Motivation; Learning Behavior;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 5  (Citation Analysis)
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