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A Study on the Estimation of Energy Expenditure and falls measurement system for the elderly  

Lim, Chae-Young (KoreaElectronicsTechnologyInstitute,Medical IT Convergence Research Center)
Jeon, Ki-Man (Dept. of Electronical Bio Engineering Engineering, Hanyang University)
Ko, Kwang-Cheol (Dept. of Electronical Bio Engineering Engineering, Hanyang University)
Koh, Kwang-Nak (College of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Pusan National University)
Kim, Kyung-Ho (Dept. of Electronics Engineering, Dankook University)
As we are turnning into the aged society, accidents by falling down are increasing in the aged people's group. In this paper, we design the system with the 3-Axis acceleration sensor which is composed by a single chip. The body activity signal is measured with the signal detector and RF communicator in this proposed system and the and falling by the entering signal pattern analysis with 3-Axis acceleration sensor. For the RF communication, we are using nRF24L01p and 8bits ATmega uC for the processor. The error of energy expenditure estimation between motor driven treadmill and proposed a body activity module was 7.8% respectively. Human activities and falling is monitored according to analyze and judge the critical value of the Signal Vector. as falled down if they don't turn off the alarm after specific period and the aged person's after falling down activities are their position and more.
Body Activity; falls measurement system; Estimation of Energy;
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  • Reference
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