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A Study on Internet Addiction of Teenagers and College Students, and Development of Therapeutic Techniques  

Lee, Hun-Jae (Police and Department of Guangzhou University Adjunct of Law and Administration)
The purpose of this study is to treat the students addicted to the internet by implementing a program using computers. In order to accomplish the purpose, the program was created by combining the game making activities using scratch programming, self-examination activities, and future occupation search activities. This treatment program will have major positive effects on the students who are addicted to the internet. First, it will be effective for reducing the time for using the internet and it will also improve the addictiveness such as being immersed in playing games. Second, there will be a change in attitude toward the internet and an improvement in intellectual capacity of the students. They will realize the fun of making and sharing the programs with friends, and their thinking skills will be improved by getting training for algorithmic and creative thinking. Third, this treatment program will have positive effects on the students' affective domain. They will have deeper and wider perspective on occupation by searching their future occupation, and discover the meta-ego through self-examination., which in turn, help them gain confidence and feel a sense of accomplishment.
addicted to the internet; internet game; a program using computers; Therapeutic Techniques; scratch programming;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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