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Relationships among Learner's Satisfaction, Self-Directedness and Flow Experience in Computer e-Learning  

Jang, Phil-Sik (Dept. of Computer Education, Daebul University)
The purpose of the study is to identify the relationship among the variables related learner's satisfaction, flow experience and self-directedness and verify the path model of causal relationship among those variables in web based computer e-learning. Based on the theoretical rationale, we hypothesized the path model including learner's satisfaction as outcome variable, flow experience and self-directedness as causal and mediating variables. A total of 193 students were participated in this study and the main results showed as follows: 1. Learner's self-directedness showed significant (p<.01), indirect effect on learner's satisfaction mediated by flow experience and the flow experience showed significant (p<.01), direct effect on learner's satisfaction; 2. Among 7 constructs of self-directedness, 'creative approach', 'love of learning', 'self-confidence as a learner' showed significant (p<.01), indirect effects on learner's satisfaction mediated by 'clear goals' construct among flow experience.
Computer e-learning; Learner's satisfaction; Flow experience; Self-Directe dness;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
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