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A Study on the Efficiency of Join Operation On Stream Data Using Sliding Windows  

Yang, Young-Hyoo (Dept. of Information Management, Hanyang Women's University)
In this thesis, the problem of computing approximate answers to continuous sliding-window joins over data streams when the available memory may be insufficient to keep the entire join state. One approximation scenario is to provide a maximum subset of the result, with the objective of losing as few result tuples as possible. An alternative scenario is to provide a random sample of the join result, e.g., if the output of the join is being aggregated. It is shown formally that neither approximation can be addressed effectively for a sliding-window join of arbitrary input streams. Previous work has addressed only the maximum-subset problem, and has implicitly used a frequency based model of stream arrival. There exists a sampling problem for this model. More importantly, it is shown that a broad class of applications for which an age-based model of stream arrival is more appropriate, and both approximation scenarios under this new model are addressed. Finally, for the case of multiple joins being executed with an overall memory constraint, an algorithm for memory allocation across the join that optimizes a combined measure of approximation in all scenarios considered is provided.
sliding-window; join; maximum subset; arbitrary result; frequency-based model; age-based model; multiple join operation;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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