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A mobile data caching synchronization strategy based on in-demand replacement priority  

Zhao, Jinhua (Dept. of Computer Science and Technology, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications)
Xia, Ying (Dept. of Computer Science and Technology, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications)
Lee, Soon-Jo (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Seowon University)
Bae, Hae-Young (Dept. of Computer & Information Engineering, Inha University)
Mobile data caching is usually used as an effective way to improve the speed of local transaction processing and reduce server load. In mobile database environment, due to its characters - low bandwidth, excessive latency and intermittent network, caching is especially crucial. A lot of mobile data caching strategies have been proposed to handle these problems over the last few years. However, with smart phone widely application these approaches cannot support vast data requirements efficiently. In this paper, to make full use of cache data, lower wireless transmission quantity and raise transaction success rate, we design a new mobile data caching synchronization strategy based on in-demand and replacement priority. We experimentally verify that our techniques significantly reduce quantity of wireless transmission and improve transaction success rate, especially when mobile client request a large amount of data.
mobile data caching; HDC; synchronization; priority;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
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