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A Dual Processing Load Shedding to Improve The Accuracy of Aggregate Queries on Clustering Environment of GeoSensor Data Stream  

Ji, Min-Sub (Dept. of Computer & Information Engineering, Inha University)
Lee, Yeon (Dept. of Computer & Information Engineering, Inha University)
Kim, Gyeong-Bae (Dept. of Computer Education, Seowon University)
Bae, Hae-Young (Dept. of Computer & Information Engineering, Inha University)
u-GIS DSMSs have been researched to deal with various sensor data from GeoSensors in ubiquitous environment. Also, they has been more important for high availability. The data from GeoSensors have some characteristics that increase explosively. This characteristic could lead memory overflow and data loss. To solve the problem, various load shedding methods have been researched. Traditional methods drop the overloaded tuples according to a particular criteria in a single server. Tuple deletion sensitive queries such as aggregation is hard to satisfy accuracy. In this paper a dual processing load shedding method is suggested to improve the accuracy of aggregation in clustering environment. In this method two nodes use replicated stream data for high availability. They process a stream in two nodes by using a characteristic they share stream data. Stream data are synchronized between them with a window as a unit. Then, processed results are merged. We gain improved query accuracy without data loss.
GeoSensor Network; Data Stream; Cluster System; Load Sheddin;
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  • Reference
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