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Novel Accuracy Enhancement Method for Absolute Temperature Measurement Using TEC-LESS Control in Uncooled Thermal Imaging  

Han, Joon Hwan (Samsung Thales)
Every object over $O^{\circ}K$ emits radiant energy based on its own temperature. Uncooled thermal imaging system displays the detected incident radiant energy as an image by signal processing. Recently, the uncooled thermal imaging system is applied to various areas such as medical, industrial, and military applications. Also, several researches are in progress to find new applications of the uncooled thermal imaging system. In this paper, we present effective method for controlling TEC-less detector in the uncooled thermal imaging system and also present the efficient control scheme for maximizing the accuracy of temperature measurement. The proposed scheme is to apply TEC-less and temperature detection algorithm in Uncooled thermal imaging system. In results of tests performed by using the actual chamber, we acquired images of better quality than the former system and temperature measurement accuracy was improved to less than $1^{\circ}C$.
Uncooled; Thermal Imager System; Detector; TEC;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 5  (Citation Analysis)
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