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A Development of the Unified Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Methodology for Security-Critical Web Applications Based on Object-Relational Database - Forcusing on Oracle11g -  

Joo, Kyung-Soo (Dept. of Computer Software Engineering, SoonChunHyang University)
Woo, Jung-Woong (Dept. of Computer Software Engineering, SoonChunHyang University)
In the development process of application systems, the most important works are analysis and design. Most of the application systems are implemented on database system. So, database design is important. Also, IT System are confronted with more and more attacks by an increase interconnections between IT systems. Therefore security-related processes belong to a very important process. Security is a complex non-functional requirement that can interaction of many parts in the system. But Security is considered in the final stages of development. Therefore, Their increases the potential for the final product to contain vulnerabilities. Accordingly, Early in development related to security analysis and design process is very important. J2EE gives a solution based on RBAC((Role Based Access Control) for security and object-relational database also has RBAC for security. But there is not a object-oriented analysis and design methodology using RBAC of J2EE and object-relational database for security. In this paper, the unified object-oriented analysis and design methodology is developed for security-critical web application systems based on J2EE and object-relational database. We used UMLsec and RBAC of object-relational database and J2EE for this methodology.
Object-Oriented Analysis Design; Object-Relational Database; RBAC; J2EE; Security;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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