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A Study on the Group Routing Algorithm in DHT-based Peer-to-Peer System  

Park, Yong-Min (Dept. of Medical Information System, Sahmyook Health University College)
As the P2P System is a distributed system that shares resources of nodes that participate in the system, all the nodes serve as a role of server and client. Currently, although systematic, structured P2P systems such as Chord, Pastry, and Tapestry were suggested based on the distributed hash table, these systems are limited to $log_2N$ for performance efficiency. For this enhanced performance efficiency limited, the article herein suggests group routing algorithm. The suggested algorithm is a node-to-group routing algorithm which divides circular address space into groups and uses a concept of pointer representing each group, which is an algorithm where routing is performed based on pointer. To evaluate algorithm performance, a comparative analysis was conducted on average hops, routing table size, and delayed transmission for chord and routing, a signature algorithm in P2P systems. Therefore, enhanced performance is verified for comparative items from the simulation results.
P2P; DHT(Distributed Hash Table); Overlay network; Hop count; Routing table;
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  • Reference
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