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BlockSim++: A Lightweight Block-oriented Hierarchical Modeling and Simulation Framework for Continuous Systems  

Song, Hae-Sang (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Seowon University)
Se, Jeong-Man (Dept. of Game Contents, Korea National College of Welfare)
This paper proposes for practical engineers a lightweight modeling and simulation environment for continuous system models specified in ordinary differential equations, which are time-domain specification of such systems. We propose a block-oriented specification formalism that has two levels: one for atomic behavior and the other the structure of models. Also we provide with a simulation framework, called BlockSim++, which make models specified in the block-oriented formalism be easily translated in object-oriented program that runs with the proposed simulation framework. The proposed formalism and framework has advantage of reuse such that it can be easily integrated into application programs and heterogeneous simulators. We illustrates the usefulness of the proposed framework by a simple hybrid modeling simulation example.
Continuous Systems; Block-oriented Modeling and Simulation; Embedded Simulator;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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