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Processing of ρ-intersect Operation on RDF Data Using Suffix Array  

Kim, Sung-Wan (Divsion of Computer, Sahmyook University)
Kim, Youn-Hee (Dept. of e-Business, Bucheon University)
The actual utilization of Semantic Web technology which aims to provide more intelligent and automated service for information retrieval over the Web becomes gradually reality. RDF is widely used as the one of standard formats to present and manage the voluminous data on the Web. Efficient query processing on RDF data, therefore, is one of the ongoing research topics. Retrieving resources having a specific association from a given resource is the typical query processing type and several researches for this have done. However the most of previous researches have not fully considered discovering the complex relationship among resources such as returning the association between resources as the query processing result. This paper introduces the indexing and query processing for ${\rho}$-intersect operation which is one of the semantic association retrieval types. It includes an indexing scheme using suffix array and optimal processing approaches for handling ${\rho}$-intersect operation. The experimental evaluations shows that the average execution times for the proposed approach is 3~7 times faster than the previous approach.
RDF Data; Semantic Association; Suffix Array; Query Processing;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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