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A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Vertex Coloring Problem  

Lee, Sang-Un (Dept. of Multimedia Science, Gangneung-Wonju National University)
Choi, Myeong-Bok (Dept. of Multimedia Science, Gangneung-Wonju National University)
The Vertex Coloring Problem hasn't been solved in polynomial time, so this problem has been known as NP-complete. This paper suggests linear time algorithm for Vertex Coloring Problem (VCP). The proposed algorithm is based on assumption that we can't know a priori the minimum chromatic number ${\chi}(G)$=k for graph G=(V,E) This algorithm divides Vertices V of graph into two parts as independent sets $\overline{C}$ and cover set C, then assigns the color to $\overline{C}$. The element of independent sets $\overline{C}$ is a vertex ${\upsilon}$ that has minimum degree ${\delta}(G)$ and the elements of cover set C are the vertices ${\upsilon}$ that is adjacent to ${\upsilon}$. The reduced graph is divided into independent sets $\overline{C}$ and cover set C again until no edge is in a cover set C. As a result of experiments, this algorithm finds the ${\chi}(G)$=k perfectly for 26 Graphs that shows the number of selecting ${\upsilon}$ is less than the number of vertices n.
Minimum Vertex Cover (MVC); Maximum Independent Set (MIS); Minimum Degree (${\delta}(G)$); Vertex Coloring Problem; Chromatic Number (${\chi}(G)$);
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  • Reference
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