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A Semantic Annotation Method for Efficient Representation of Moving Objects  

Lee, Jin-Hwal (Dept. of Computer Information & Engineering, Inha University)
Hong, Myung-Duk (Dept. of Computer Information & Engineering, Inha University)
Lee, Kee-Sung (Dept. of Computer Information & Engineering, Inha University)
Jung, Jin-Guk (Dept. of Computer Information & Engineering, Inha University)
Jo, Geun-Sik (Dept. of Computer Information & Engineering, Inha University)
Recently, researches for semantic annotation methods which represent and search objects included in video data, have been briskly activated since video starts to be popularized as types for interactive contents. Different location data occurs at each frame because coordinates of moving objects are changed with the course of time. Saving the location data for objects of every frame is too ineffective. Thus, it is needed to compress and represent effectively. This paper suggests two methods; the first, ontology modeling for moving objects to make users intuitively understandable for the information, the second, to reduce the amount of data for annotating moving objects by using cubic spline interpolation. To verify efficiency of the suggested method, we implemented the interactive video system and then compared with each video dataset based on sampling intervals. The result follows : when we got samples of coordinate less than every 15 frame, it showed that could save up to 80% amount of data storage; moreover, maximum of error deviation was under 31 pixels and the average was less than 4 pixels.
Semantic Annotation; Ontology; Moving object; Spline interpolation; Video;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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