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X-Putt : A Golf Putting Training System based on Ultrasonic sensors  

Ahn, Jae-Gon (Dept. of Advanced Applied Science, Konkuk University)
Na, Dae-Young (Dept. of Coumputer Science, Konkuk University)
Lim, Young-Tae (Dept. of Sports Science, Konkuk University)
Jeon, Heung-Seok (Dept. of Advanced Applied Science, Konkuk University)
In this paper, we propose a new golf putting training system which we call "X-Putt". X-Putt analyzes putting strokes by measuring putter face angle and path. To do this, we improved the sonar-based localization scheme used by previous localization techniques. As a result, X-Putt can measure putter's location within the error range, ${\pm}0.9cm$ and putter face angle within ${\pm}1.5^{\circ}$. Additionally, we built an user application that has an easy-to-use interface for analyzing the strokes after training.
Golf putting training system; Ultrasonic sensor; Object trajectory; IT Convergence;
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