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Effectiveness of Edge Selection on Mobile Devices  

Kang, Seok-Hoon (Dept. of Emebedded System Engineering, University of Incheon)
This paper proposes the effective edge selection algorithm for the rapid processing time and low memory usage of efficient graph-based image segmentation on mobile device. The graph-based image segmentation algorithm is to extract objects from a single image. The objects are consisting of graph edges, which are created by information of each image's pixel. The edge of graph is created by the difference of color intensity between the pixel and neighborhood pixels. The object regions are found by connecting the edges, based on color intensity and threshold value. Therefore, the number of edges decides on the processing time and amount of memory usage of graph-based image segmentation. Comparing to personal computer, the mobile device has many limitations such as processor speed and amount of memory. Additionally, the response time of application is an issue of mobile device programming. The image processing on mobile device should offer the reasonable response time, so that, the image segmentation processing on mobile should provide with the rapid processing time and low memory usage. In this paper, we demonstrate the performance of the effective edge selection algorithm, which effectively controls the edges of graph for the rapid processing time and low memory usage of graph-based image segmentation on mobile device.
Mobile; Image Segmentation; Super Pixel;
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