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Local Block Learning based Super resolution for license plate  

Shin, Hyun-Hak (Dept. of Visual Information Processing, Korea University)
Chung, Dae-Sung (Dept. of Visual Information Processing, Korea University)
Ku, Bon-Hwa (Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Korea University)
Ko, Han-Seok (Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Korea University)
In this paper, we propose a learning based super resolution algorithm using local block for image enhancement of vehicle license plate. Local block is defined as the minimum measure of block size containing the associative information in the image. Proposed method essentially generates appropriate local block sets suitable for various imaging conditions. In particular, local block training set is first constructed as ordered pair between high resolution local block and low resolution local block. We then generate low resolution local block training set of various size and blur conditions for matching to all possible blur condition of vehicle license plates. Finally, we perform association and merging of information to reconstruct into enhanced form of image from training local block sets. Representative experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
Learning based super resolution; License plate enhancement; Local block;
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