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Design and Implementation of Framework for Static Execution Flow Trace of Binary Codes  

Baek, Yeong-Tae (Dept. of Multimedia, Kimpo College)
Kim, Ki-Tae (Naru Technology Co. Ltd.)
Jun, Sang-Pyo (School of General Educaton, Namseoul University)
In domestic, the binary code analysis technology is insufficient. In general, an executable file that is installed on your computer without the source code into an executable binary files is given only the most dangerous, or because it is unknown if the action is to occur. In this paper, static program analysis at the binary level to perform the design and implementation framework. In this paper, we create a control flow graph. We use the graph of the function call and determine whether dangerous. Through Framework, analysis of binary files is easy.
binary code; control flow analysis; framework;
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  • Reference
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