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G-RAID: A Green RAID Mechanism for enhancing Energy-Efficiency in Massive Storage System  

Kim, Young-Hwan (Dept. of Computing, Soongsil University)
Suck, Jin-Sun (Convergence Emerging Industries R&D Division, Korea Electronics Technology Institute)
Park, Chang-Won (Convergence Emerging Industries R&D Division, Korea Electronics Technology Institute)
Hong, Ji-Man (Dept. of Computing, Soongsil University)
In the global IT market, a lot of issues for responding to various environmental regulations emerged. In case of the data centers, it is consuming huge amounts of energy to maintain. So there have been various technical attempts as Consolidation, Virtualization, Optimization to efficiently manage energy and data storage to fix the problems. In this paper, we propose a new RAID(Redundant Array of Independent Disks) mechanism which is differing the intensity of power consumption and works to provide data protection and disaster recovery(backup, mirroring etc.) to stratify multiple volumes. G-RAID minimize the power consumption and the lower of I/O performance by selecting the volume depending on the frequency of data access while classifying the power consumption between volumes in storage system. Also, it is possible that a filesystem and block map information of G-RAID is processed by basic unit which is group located in a row for the blocks to work efficiently and can minimize the performance degradation of block mapping load by the access frequency in each groups. As a result, we obtained to elevate a little bit of response time caused by block relocation work, but showed the decrease of power consumption by 38%.
Storage System; Stratification; Power Consumption; RAID; Block Relocation;
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