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A Study on Effects of Internal Marketing on Secretaries' Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in IT Companies  

Kim, Kyung-Hwa (Dept. of Secretarial Office Management, Induk University)
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of internal marketing on job satisfaction and organizational commitment of secretaries working in IT based companies. Especially, to analyze the effects of internal marketing on secretaries in IT companies, this study has adopted job specialization rather than the comprehensive market point of internal customers. Through the analysis, the following results were obtained: firstly, internal marketing factors such as effectiveness of communication, various compensation systems, and chance of educational training have positive effects on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Secondly, job satisfaction has no impact on organizational commitment. To be able to satisfy external customers through internal marketing, communication skills has be to improved between the workers in the company, and also various compensation systems and educational training should be provided more extensively. The secretary in the company is considered a vital link between the company and customer service. In this view, the result of this study is expected to provide some managerial strategies to decision maker in the company to establish a way to increase the satisfaction and needs of internal customers in applying internal marketing.
internal marketing; job satisfaction; organizational commitment;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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