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Study on the Camera Image Frame's Comparison for Authenticating Smart Phone Users  

Jang, Eun-Gyeom (Dept. of Computer Science, Daejeon University)
Nam, Seok-Woo (Dept. of Computer Information, Hyechon College)
APP based on the smart phone is being utilized to various scopes such as medical services in hospitals, financing services at banks and credit card companies, and ubiquitous technologies in companies and homes etc. In this service environment, exposures of smart phones cause loss of assets including leaks of official/private information by outsiders. Though secret keys, pattern recognition technologies, and single image authentication techniques are being applied as protective methods, but they have problems in that accesses are possible by utilizing static key values or images like pictures. Therefore, this study proposes a face authentication technology for protecting smart phones from these dangerous factors and problems. The proposed technology authenticates users by extracting key frames of user's facial images by real time, and also controls accesses to the smart phone. Authentication information is composed of multiple key frames, and the user' access is controlled by distinction algorism of similarity utilizing DC values of image's pixel and luminance.
Smart Phone; Face cognition; Image Compare; Authentication;
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  • Reference
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