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Evaluation Method for Entire Region of Antique Korean Peninsula Maps Using Geometrical Transformation  

Lee, Dae-Ho (Humanitas College, Kyung Hee University)
Oh, Il-Whan (Humanitas College, Kyung Hee University)
Because antique Korean Peninsula maps have many historical signification, we can estimate historical evidences by analyzing them. However, it is very difficult to compare antique maps with modern maps because the antique maps were made by arranging local regions. To resolve this difficulty, we transform antique maps by rotating, scaling and translating to compare with a reference map. Each antique map is rotated in the difference of principal axis angles of the target and the reference maps, and its width and height are scaled asymmetrically using width and height ratios of bounding boxes. Finally, the two regions are overlaid by adjusting their centroids, and then the antique map is evaluated by two similarity equations. Experimental results show that the similarities of region ratio and different angle are properly computed according to era. Therefore, the proposed method can be widely used to analyze the antique Korean Peninsula maps.
Antique map; Geometrical transformation; Similarity evaluation; Image processing;
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