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A Query Processing Method for Hierarchical Structured e-Learning System  

Kim, Youn-Hee (Dept. of e-Business, Bucheon University)
Kim, Jee-Hyun (Dept. of Computer Software, Seoil University)
In this paper, we design an ontology which provides interoperability by integrating typical metadata specifications and defines concepts and semantic relations between concepts that are used to describe metadata for learning objects in university courses. And we organize a hierarchical structured e-Learning system for efficient retrieval of learning objects on many local storages that use different specifications to describe metadata and propose a query processing method based on inferences. The proposed e-Learning system can provide more accurate and satisfactory retrieval service by using the designed ontology because both learning objects that be directly connected to user queries and deduced learning objects that be semantically connected to them are retrieved.
E-Learning; Metadata; Ontology; Query Processing Method;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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