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Smart-Phone based User Movement State Identification Algorithm  

Ha, Dong-Soo (Dept of Game Engineering, Hoseo University)
Park, Sung-June (Dept of Game Engineering, Hoseo University)
This paper proposed a smart-phone based user movement state identification algorithm. Then movement state of the user is identified by calculating the location and moving speed using the GPS sensor, and detailed movement methods are identified by analyzing the data from the Orientation sensor. In this study, two sensors of the smart-phone were used to implement the user movement status identification algorithm and to perform tests. The reference values of the speed and orientation required for the identification of the movement type were defined based on the experimental data. The results of this study showed that the movement type of a smart-phone user can be identified using the user movement state identification algorithm.
Smartphone; GPS(global positioning system); Orientation sensor;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 7  (Citation Analysis)
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