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A Measurement Study of User Behavior and File Pollution in DHT-based P2P Networks  

Shin, Kyu-Yong (Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Information Science, Korea Military Academy)
Yoo, Jin-Cheol (Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Information Science, Korea Military Academy)
Lee, Jong-Deog (Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Information Science, Korea Military Academy)
File pollution (i.e., sharing of corrupted files, or contaminating index information with bogus index records) is a de facto problem in many file sharing Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems in use today. Since pollution squanders network resources and frustrates users with unprofitable downloads (due to corrupted files) and unproductive download trials (due to bogus index records), the viability of P2P systems (and similar distributed information-sharing applications) is questionable unless properly addressed. Thus, developing effective anti-pollution mechanisms is an immediate problem in this literature. This paper provides useful information and deep insight with future researchers who want to design an effective anti-pollution mechanism throughout an extensive measurement study of user behavior and file pollution in a representative DHT-based P2P system, the Kad network.
Peer-to-Peer; File Sharing; Distributed System; File Pollution; Anti-pollution;
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