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Energy-Efficient Clustering Scheme using Candidates Nodes of Cluster Head  

Cho, Young-Bok (Dept. of Computer Science, Chungbuk National University)
Kim, Kwang-Deuk (Korea Institute of Energy Research)
You, Mi-Kyeong (Dept. of Computer Science, Chungbuk National University)
Lee, Sang-Ho (Dept, of Electrical & Computer Engineering)
One of the major challenges of minimum energy consumption for wireless sensor networks(WSN) environment. LEACH protocol is hierarchical routing protocol that obtains energy efficiency by using clustering. However, LEACH protocol in each round, because the new cluster configuration, cluster configuration, whenever the energy consumed shorten the life of the network. Therefore in this paper, the cluster is formed in WSN environment in early stage and the problems with energy waste have been solved by selecting C-node. In the initial round of proposed model uses 26 percent more than traditional LEACH energy consumption. However, as the round is ongoing, it has been proved by the network simulation tool that the waste of energy could be diminished up to 35%.
Clustering; Energy Efficient; Hierarchical clustering; LEACH;
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