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Efficient Dynamic Time Warping Using 2nd Derivative Operator  

Kim, Se-Hoon (Graduate School Department of Media, Soongsil University)
Choi, Hyung-Il (Global Media, Soongsil University)
Rhee, Yang-Won (Computer and Information Science, Kunsan National University)
Jang, Seok-Woo (Anyang University of digital media)
Dynamic Time Warping based on Dynamic Programming is the one of the most widely been used to compare the similarity of two patterns. DTW algorithm has two known problems. The one is singularities. And the another problem is the accuracy of the warping path with patterns. Therefore, this paper suggest the solution for DTW algorithm to use a 2nd derivative operator. Laplacian of Gaussian is a kind of a 2nd derivative operator. Consequently, our suggestion method to apply to this operator, more efficient to solve the singularities problems and to secure a accuracy of the warping path. And the result shows a superior ability of this suggested method.
Dynamic Time Warping; Singularities; Laplacian of Gaussian;
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  • Reference
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