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Quality Improvement Scheme of Interpolated Image using the Characteristics of the Adjacent Pixels  

Jung, Soo-Mok (Division of Computer, Sahmyook University)
Interpolation schemes are used widely in image magnification. Magnified image generated by interpolation scheme is composed of the known pixels in input image and the interpolated pixels estimated from the known pixels in input image. So, as the interpolated pixels are estimated to have locality which exists in real images, the magnified image is much closer to the real image. In this paper, an efficient interpolation scheme was proposed to provide locality for the interpolated pixels by using the characteristics of adjacent pixels in input image. The quality of magnified image using the proposed scheme was improved. In experiment, PSNR(Peak Signal to Noise Ratio) was used to evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme. The PSNR's of the magnified images generated by the proposed scheme were greater than those of the magnified images generated by the previous interpolation methods.
Interpolation; Image Magnification; PSNR; Bilinear interpolation;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
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