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Development of Integrated Design Methodology for Relational Database Application -Focusing on Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Methodology-  

Joo, Kyung-Soo (Dept. of Computer Software Engineering, SoonChunHyang University)
Jho, Do-Hyung (Dept. of Computer Software Engineering, SoonChunHyang University)
In this paper we present an integrated design methodology for relational database based on object-oriented analysis and design. The integrated design methodology is based on business profile and has six phases. In the first phase, business use cases are identified and described by macroactivity diagrams and then the macroactivity diagrams are transformed to detailed business activity diagrams by using objects, object flows and business worker's responsibilities. In the third phase, the detailed business activity diagrams are transformed to business class diagrams that describe the static structure of the entire business system based on detailed business activity diagrams. In the four phase, the business class diagrams are transformed to class diagrams that represent the initial conceptual model of the target relational database. In the five phase, we add additional transformations on the class diagrams with generalization and specialization of associations, roles, activities, additional classes and redundant associations. Eventually, the final class diagrams are transformed to relational database schema. The methodology presented in this paper by applying that proposal for organic connection between object-oriented analysis and design methodology and relational database design methodology. And it will be able to deal with integration management. By the integrated design methodology, we can make more easily software systems based on relational database. In the case study, proposal integrated design methodology applied for a visa issuing system.
Object-Oriented Analysis.Design; Relational Database; UML;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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