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Communication Network Analysis of General Corporate IT Staff : A Case Study of Company "K"  

Jeong, Cheon-Su (Graduate school of Business IT, Kookmin University)
Shin, Kil-Hwan (Graduate school of Business IT, Kookmin University)
Han, Woo-Chul (Dept. of Industrial Management, Daelim University College)
The purpose of this study is to give implications for cooperative network building for general corporate IT staffs as well as operational improvement of the IT organization which is a specialized unit in general company though analysis of characteristics of communication networks of the IT organization. 39 IT employees of company "A" were surveyed and interviewed, and the data collected were analyzed in a network analysis method. The analysis shows that a variety of networks were built across employees - e.g. strong/weak ties or centralized/decentralized structure - by each communication area. IT competency network was found weak ties. Career-rela ted network showed centralized and hierarchical characteristics. At the center of each network was positioned manager of each team. To address improvement of the findings, I presented the followings: more active networking over IT competency, enhancement of work centralization and collection of research data as to communication network of IT organization.
Communication Network; SNA; IT Organization; IT Human Resource; IT Business; SNS;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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