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Improved RFID Mutual Authentication Protocol using One-Time Pad and One-Time Random Number Based on AES Algorithm  

Yun, Tae-Jin (Dept. of Mobile Engineering, Kyungwoon University)
Oh, Se-Jin (Graduate School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Kyungpook National University)
Ahn, Kwang-Seon (School of Computer Science and Engineering, Kyungpook National University)
Because RFID systems use radio frequency, they have many security problems such as eavesdropping, location tracking, spoofing attack and replay attack. So, many mutual authentication protocols and cryptography methods for RFID systems have been proposed in order to solve security problems, but previous proposed protocols using AES(Advanced Encryption Standard) have fixed key problem and security problems. In this paper, we analyze security of proposed protocols and propose our protocol using OTP(One-Time Pad) and AES to solve security problems and to reduce hardware overhead and operation. Our protocol encrypts data transferred between RFID reader and tag, and accomplishes mutual authentication by one time random number to generate in RFID reader. In addition, this paper presents that our protocol has higher security and efficiency in computation volume and process than researched protocols and S.Oh's Protocol. Therefore, our protocol is secure against various attacks and suitable for lightweight RFID tag system.
RFID Systems; AES Algorithm; Mutual Authentication; One time ramdom number;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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