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Effects of the Problem-based Learning Utilizing Cognitive Algorithms in Elementary Mathematics Education  

Lee, Myung-Geun (Department of Education, Yonsei University)
Kang, Su-Yeon (Jungrang Elementary School)
The study analyzed effects of the problem-based learning utilizing cognitive algorithms in elementary mathematics education in terms of academic achievement and math attitude changes. In order to solve the research questions, a cognitive algorithm-based PBL model was derived based on N. Landa's algorithm-based instructional design theory. And the model was applied to a part of second semester math curriculum for 4th grade of an elementary school located in Seoul. The results showed that the PBL utilizing algorithms can be said to have effects on academic achievement. The PBL model is also considered to have positive effects in enhancing mathematical attitudes of the learners.
cognitive algorithms; problem-based learning; elementary mathematics education;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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