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A Data Migration Model and Case Study for Building Management System of Science and Technology Contents  

Shin, Sung-Ho (Dept. of Information Technology Research, KISTI)
Lee, Min-Ho (Dept. of Information Technology Research, KISTI)
Lee, Won-Goo (Dept. of Information Technology Research, KISTI)
Yoon, Hwa-Mook (Dept. of Information Technology Research, KISTI)
Sung, Won-Kyung (Dept. of Information Technology Research, KISTI)
Kim, Kwang-Young (Dept. of Information Technology Research, KISTI)
The domestic market of database in Korea is estimated to be over 3.663 trillion won. The data migration is getting to be more important along with the continuous growth of the database industry. g-CRM and private recommending function are examples of the service that can be given through coupling among customer database, product database, geographic information database, and others. The core infrastructure is also the database which is integrated, perfect, and reliable. There are not enough researches on efficient way of data migration and integrating process and investigation of migrated data though trends of database in IT environment as above. In connection with this issue, we have made a model for data migration on scientific and technological contents and suggest the result of data migration process adapting that model. In addition, we verified migration's exhaustiveness, migration's consistency, and migration's coherence for investigation of migrated data and database. From the result, we conclude data migration based on proper model has a significant influence on the database consistency and the data values correctness and is essential to maintain high qualified database.
Data Migration; Scientific and Technological contents; Data Verification; ANSI/ASQ Z1.4-2003;
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  • Reference
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