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A Dominant Feature based Nomalization and Relational Description of Shape Signature for Scale/Rotational Robustness  

Song, Ho-Geun (Dept. of Computer&Information Engineering, Hanseo University)
Koo, Ha-Sung (Dept. of Computer&Information Engineering, Hanseo University)
In this paper, we propose a Geometrical Centroid Contour Distance(GCCD) which is described by shape signature based on contour sequence. The proposed method uses geomertrical relation features instead of the absolute angle based features after it was normalized and aligned with dominant feature of the shape. Experimental result with MPEG-7 CE-Shape-1 Data Set reveals that our method has low time/spatial complexity and scale/rotation robustness than the other methods, showing that the precision of our method is more accurate than the conventional desctiptors. However, performance of the GCCD is limited with concave and complex shaped objects.
Shape Descriptor; Shape Signature; Shape Alignment; Shape Matching;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
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