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A Discriminant Analysis on the User Classification of Mobile Telecommunications Service and HSDPA Service Strategy  

Lee, Jun-Yub (인덕대학 비서과)
Along with the advance of industrial technology in mobile telecommunications and diversity in customer needs, today's Korean mobile telecommunication market has rapidly expanded due to stronger competition among businesses as well as increasing the number of subscribers. 3G roll-outs of mobile telecommunications service, so called "HSDPA" has seriously promoted marketing strategies among mobile telecommunication companies which led to move to the next generation customers. Understanding the competitive situation, mobile telecommunications companies are currently focusing on increasing sales per subscriber as well as increasing the number of subscribers as a solution to occupy the leading position in the mobile telecommunications industry in the future. The purpose of this study was to classify the customers in mobile telecommunications service with or without higher tendency of intention to subscribe and use the service using discriminant analysis. Through the discriminant analysis, discriminant function which classifying the critical user has been identified. The result of this study will give useful marketing strategies in competitive HSDPA mobile telecommunications market.
HSDPA; mobile telecommunication service;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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