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Contents Adaptation in Ubiquitous Environments  

Shin, Young-Ok (한양여자대학 정보경영과)
Contents adaptation is a technology which converts one content to another content used in various devices. Specially, synchronization of inter-media which are included in a document is needed. There are various proposals and solutions for synchronization of inter-media. In the paper, I present "TATS : Temporal Aggregate Tree Strategy" model, which is used for specifying the temporal relationship among media in series of time. In the TATS model, aggregate tree, a sort of a binary tree, is generated from the execution time of those media. Using this aggregate tree, I implemented the inter-media synchronizations.
Contents Adaptation; Multimedia Contents Synchronization; Temporal Data Aggregation;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 7  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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