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The Analysis of The Kalman Filter Noise Factor on The Inverted Pendulum  

Kim, Hoon-Hak (인덕대학 컴퓨터전자과)
The Optimal results of Kalman Filtering on the Inverted Pendulum System requires an effective factor such as the noise covariance matrix Q, the measurement noise covariance matrix R and the initial error covariance matrix $P_0$. We present a special case where the optimality of the filter is not destroyed and not sensitive to scaling of these covariance matrix because these factors are unknown or are known only approximately in the practical situation. Moreover, the error covariance matrices issued by this method predict errors in the state estimate consistent with the scaled covariance matrices and not the issued state estimates. Various results using the scalar gain $\delta$ are derived to described the relations among the three covariance matrices, Kalman Gain and the error covariance matrices. This paper is described as follows: Section III a brief overview of the Inverted Pendulum system. Section IV deals with the mathematical dynamic model of the system used for the computer simulation. Section V presents a various simulation results using the scalar gain.
Covariance Matrix; Kalman Filter; Inverted Pendulum;
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